easislides v4.1.0 Beta 1A (連同筆者O既中文翻譯部分) 已經O向11月25日o向http://www.easislides.com/forum 推出喇,
另外, 我(們)有感動於下年開一個收集敬拜背景動畫上下載交流論壇,
我暫時以YOUTUBE 開了一個頻道作試站,
請大家去睇睇, 下載想要O既敬拜背景動畫~ ......

"I would like to collect all the worship loops backgrounds from different website, and upload their preview videos here.
If you can download the youtube flv videos, the file can be applied in a powerful free worship slide program, EASISLIDES directly.
(For details, go to http://www.easislides.com )
If you find more motion backgrounds, please leave messages there."
6 留言:
最好整個 how to use 在 youtube
於 12月2日 16:31
係唔係即係整教學VIDEO 再放上網?
於 12月3日 19:53
Hi there, well done on the channel, I've been waiting for something like this to help in church for a long time.
Can you please tell me how to use these backgrounds in easislide, how to put them on?
To heavensdelegation,
you can download the youtube video into flv format files and ensure that the flv file can play in ypur Windows player (by installing the related flv codec)
Then the file can be applied in Easislides after following settings:
1) select song/bible passage in playlist Enter.
2) It will appear in the 2nd top window Click set ,
3) use individual settings ,click "Media : none" ,
4) Click option 3 "Browse find media file" , click repeat if needed
5) click OK Click Live
Hopefully it will play.
hello from mexico . you are great becuse i want this background for a lot time !!!! Dios les bemdiga
Thanks for your good work!
May God keep on leading your ministry!
Serve Him in His Kingdom!
Expericing Him much more through the new worship style. Amen!