各位對動態投射有興趣, 或想嘗試在自己的聚會中試用, 卻對此技術感到困難的朋友, 不妨聯絡我們.
為了推動此事工的異象, 我們絕對願意無條件委身你的組織/教會.
我們可幫助你事先以動態投射技術, 製作好整個聚會中你需要用的所有SLIDES (包括敬拜歌曲/報告事項等) 並親身到場作技術支援.
讓大家可於自己的聚會中已可試用作示範, 不用外出參與聚會觀摩.
如你們的會眾/技術人員有興趣並有一定人數, 我們更可於往後日子到場舉辦免費教學課程......

Visual Design and Control: Anthony Lee@Media4Christ
當日軟件使用: Easislides v4.10 Beta 1b 中文版
3 留言:
In the Video, I don't see any movable projector? Do you mean somebody who is holding the control can move around the room to project the slide? Can you enlighten me.
no, not the projector movable, is the slide's graphics.
But the resolution of the video is too low, so diff to see.
we'll upload another video soon.
Thank you and let me check again after you upload