大家想想看, 究竟海外的visual worshipper 會怎樣看我們Media4Christ團隊呢?
筆者自從call2all 認識美國的Stephen Proctor 和他的WorshipVJ 團隊, 到現在都差不多一年了,
想不到這一刻他竟公開了對筆者和我們團隊的專訪和看法, 也有上次HK visual worship conference dinner 的感想...這真令筆者感到受寵若驚!
不過, 他的話令我們十分鼓舞, 因為他因著認識我們的經歷, 而證明“視覺崇拜”是聖靈的工作, 是祂在世界各地不同的人推動著visual worship!
在此筆者想對proctor 有幾點補充:
1) "His English is great but his accent is thick. " 為什麼這兩樣都從來沒有人告訴我?
2) "We can worship & glorify God with our eyes. If we were not able to do that, He would not have created us with eyes in the first place." 筆者更認為, 如果雙眼如果對榮耀神或認識神的事上無益, 倒不如神創造我們人類時便沒有眼睛, 以免讓人類歷世歷代也在眼目的情慾當中跌倒.
3) "He said that the American websites are great and all, and that he was very thankful for them, but that for China, they must find their own way of expressing visual worship."
不如何時會看見國產的motion backgrounds?
4) "He also cast vision for going into Mainland China and helping the churches there by training them on the proper use of technology and imagery for worship." 己經踏出第一步了! 我們在上星期對20多位國內教會的領袖作了一課視覺敬拜投射訓練~
5) "but I have a strong sense that God has chosen these guys as a royal priesthood to lead the Chinese church in worship in the days to come. And I want to do all that I can to get behind them and support them." 筆者亦希望 proctor 那強烈的感動成就, 就是神使用我們團隊, 有份在敬拜層面作華人教會的帶領。在此也再一次感激他們在我們身後不斷支持著我們!
6) "Anthony’s blog is called “Media4Christ”, and ironically, his domain is worshipVJ.hk!"
Media4Christ 網站當然不是筆者擁有的, 而是神賜給我們整個團隊的. 而我們的domain worshipVJ.hk, 意思就是我們 Media4Christ 只是香港其中一個worshipVJ 團隊. 如果你有感動興起作worship VJ, 或另一個visual worship 團隊, 記往通知筆者, 免費為你開一個 xxx.worshipVJ.hk 的網址.
同場加映: 海外朋友眼中的中國, 香港和教會 (+恩光堂~)
以下是從他網頁直接的轉載 "ANTHONY LEE OF HONG KONG":
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