認識何謂視覺敬拜, 如何更好與敬拜融和, 並與美國專業的視覺敬拜者 (Visual Worshipper) 輕鬆交流分享視覺敬拜和投映事奉的心得!
嘉賓: Stephen Proctor (worshipvj.com 負責人, 2009 Call2All 全民命召國際會議 - Visual Worship 工作坊講員)
對象: 敬拜主領, 視覺敬拜者, 視覺藝術者, 敬拜投映設計或控制員, 或對視覺敬拜有興趣的肢體和牧者
日期: 2011年10月18日 (星期二)
時間: 7:30PM-10:00PM
地點: Watermark Community Center (西營盤高街46號)
內容: 嘉賓和我們Visual Worship團隊也會分享他們對視覺敬拜的看法和異象,和各視覺敬拜者的不同服侍體驗

費用: 全免
主辦: Watermark Community Church, Media4Christ 視覺動感敬拜網絡 Visual Motion Worship Network
查詢: Anthony 浩賢 (96091325, info@worshipvj.hk)
報名: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=271328626234435
因場地有限, 請務必回覆以便安排
我們會繼續在這裡和網頁更新有關詳情, 請大家密切留意!
To understand what is visual worship, how to better integration it with worship, also to share with professional visual worshipers from US to exchange visual worship and service in visual projection experiences!
Guests: Stephen Proctor (worshipvj.com, 2009 Call2All International Conference Workshop Speaker)
Target: Worship Leaders, Visual worshipers, Visual Artists, projection designers or technicians, or those who are interested in visual worship
Date: 18 Oct 2011 (Tuesday)
Time: 7:30 PM-10: 00PM
Venue: Watermark Community Center (46 High Street, Sai Ying Pun)
(entrance on Centre Street, next to Pak Kee Bakery)
Admission: Free
Host: Watermark Community Church, Media4Christ Visual Motion Worship Network
Sign up: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=271328626234435
Enquiries: Anthony Lee (96091325, info@worshipvj.hk)
Due to limited seats, please be sure to reply in order for better arrangement
We will continue to update the details here and web pages, please pay close attention!
Encl. Photo of Call2All Visual Worship Worskhop, 2 June 2009. Speaker: Stephen Proctor
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