EasiSlides+ScreenMonkey實例操作-我高舉雙手 示範
EasiSlides+ScreenMonkey實例操作-我高舉雙手 講解
製作/編導/講解: WING CHEN

The lyric text is not clear. I see in your demo, the lyric color is very clear. Also the video. How can I configure it?
答: If you want to overlay Screenmonkey video layers under Easislides lyrics, firstly you should set a normal video background for the Easislides items (Item 3), instead of leaving it blank/empty.
Otherwise, The blue blank background would come out by Easilsides and cover all Screenmonkey layers.
Once the selected video file can be shown in small preview window, no blue blank screen would be shown. Then all the layers and lyrics can be shown clearly. SM layers and ES background would be mixed but you can select the ES lyrics layer on top by ALT-TAB.
問: I know how to change the background of each song in ES. The background can be an image or video (live source or file). But my problem is, the video background still could not be merge with SM.
答: In fact, the principle of merging use of ES and SM is:
1st layer (bottom): ES video (it won't be shown unless all SM layers fade off)
2nd layer: SM layer 1 (merge by using fading bar)
3rd layer: SM layer 2 (merge by using fading bar)
4th layer: SM layer 3 (merge by using fading bar)
5th layer: SM layer 4 (merge by using fading bar)
6th layer (top): ES lyrics (switch it on top by alt-tab)
Switch lyrics layer may be not in function if the item "don't overlay with the media" have not be ticked inside the ES settings. Please be reminded to tick that box.
問: 試了幾天screenmonkey 也用了幾台不同電腦,為何SM 用video疊video時,跳線跳得這麼嚴重? 畫面爛晒喎... 主要是 winxp 跳線.
win7的電腦video fading不太準確(fade唔晒Dvideo),有D殘餘物在畫面上。
答: WINXP 並不支援SCREENMONKEY 的VIDEO FADING 功能. 因此筆者建議各位使用WIN VISTA/ WIN7 的系統安裝. 有關殘餘物在畫面上的問題, 我們也試過, 應該是WIN7 對支援不同格式短片產生的問題. 只要安裝好WIN7CODEC, 先開SM 後開ES 應該可以解決.
問: 不知為何,我這邊這個視頻沒辦法全屏. SM播放的時候畫面左右兩邊沒辦法拉滿 (Stretch to fill). 另外, 在ES里也是這樣.
答: 如果在SM 看不到預覽小圖, 那短片便因格式問題不能被拉滿. 另外, ES 根本不懂拉滿, 只能按照短片的比例播放.
問: ES的歌詞與SM的動態背景不能重疊顯示,在SM中選了一個Primary monitor full screen , 另外一個選 second monitor full screen,兩個還是不能重疊顯示. ES歌詞被SM畫面遮住了.
答: 我高舉雙手的教學應該有提過的,就是中文版4.10 beta 1b 是試版 不可以這樣作的. 你熟習ES後, 下載 4.04 再試時, 開啟SM 一個layer後
還要用Alt tab將ES歌詞layer置頂才行.
答: 我可以肯定問題是因你未設定好es可播放的媒體, 令ES預設的藍色畫面遮蓋住了SM的視頻了....
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